Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2021

Emmershausen History - The 1956-10-08 Verena Zanger Intoxication Crime Scene Affair


Source :

Foto CID Regional Studies Photodocument from 10.11.2006

House of Nicolai Schott Family and Car Repair Workshop of Mr. Hans Nicolai

Source : Rolf Zanger

  • My sister Verena was quartered at the house of Hans Nicolai and family at Weilstrasse Gasoline Station in Emmershausen. She drank there from a water bottle stored in the pantry, but someone had misused the bottle and filled hydrochloric acid inside. Maybe the bottle was moved on purpose from Hans Nicolai´s car workshop by someone into the pantry.
  • Verena´s throat was completely burned. We brought her to Usingen Kreiskrankenhaus Hospital. I remained at her side until she died.

Source : Rosemarie Zanger :

  • Verena never had felt happy in Emmershausen. She considered the village inhabitants as rough and called the village derogatory a "Kaff". She missed the urban surrounding and the international flair that she had experienced during her war campaign time in France. Verena suffered for that reason depressions in Emmershausen.
  • An key-experience short before her death was, when she had remained with a girl friend for longer time in Frankfurt where she was "picked up" ("aufgegriffen") by "the Police" in the Frankfurt Red Light District (the Source gave to understand to the author that Verena was in a Redlight-House in Moselstrasse) and brought back to her living-house in Emmershausen (probably the Nicolai Gasoline Station house). That "scandal", to be brought return officially by the Police from the Red Light Area into the small countryside village excited a lot the local rumor mill, with the consecuence that Verena got more and more  depressive due to social hacking.
  • Rosemarie considered also as possible that Verena suicided herself, drinking the hydrochloric acid intentionally, because of the social pressure that she was exposed to.

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  CID Institute Family Museum Photographic Collection FAMILY PORTRAIT GALLERY EXTERNAL DATA RESSOURCES Emmershausen 8th October 1956 - Veren...