Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2021

Emmershausen History - The Franzen´s Grave


Source : 

Foto CID Regional Studies 

Photo-Document from 6th September 2005 - Photo-Excursion to Weilrod-Emmershausen


The Grave decoration changes from time to time it´s design. It is said, that "Loving Woman from the Village take care for the Grave and the Memory"

Portrait Franzes Grave

The Legend of Franzen´s Grave

Source :

The Franze´s Grave Tale might be understood as the "Philosophical Brain and Head Story" of the Emmershausen Village during the 1960ies and 1970ies. 

The Grave is localized about  50º22`25“ N  8º 21´50“ O

During his school time at Emmershausen Basic School the author received the following version of the tale by his teacher, Mr. Rudolph Wagner :

  • "A son from an Emmershausen family named Franz found luckily a working place at the Audenschmiede Buderus Iron Foundry during the 18th / 19th Century thanks to the intermediation of his father. But the young worker was trapped then there by his boss when he stole something at the iron foundry factory and was send return to his father. 
  • His father entered in contact with the boss and intermediated for his son, that the latter never would do that again. In consecuence the Audenschmiede iron foundry company accepted the son again as worker, taking his father´s word as guarantee.
  •  But then Emmershausen son again stole something at Buderus and then was thrown out finally. His father, who saw that his son had broken his father´s promise, led his son into the Wehrholz- Forest upside Emmershausen, handed a shovel to him and let him dig a hole. The father then beated to death his son and buried him inside the grave."

Source : CID Institute Natural History and Family Museum Documents

Between the geographical location of the Franzen´s Grave and a ground property of the Weil Family at Emmershausen exists a significant correlation. 

At an here unknown date the ruderal area HUTUNG UNTER DEN BUCHEN became part of the Weil Families ground areas at Emmershausen. 

During the 1960ies the so called "UMLEGUNG" - an administrative reorganization of spatial dispersed agricultural properties - should help peasants to have all their territory in one site to avoid fragmentation of ground and to make ground management more rational.

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  CID Institute Family Museum Photographic Collection FAMILY PORTRAIT GALLERY EXTERNAL DATA RESSOURCES Emmershausen 8th October 1956 - Veren...